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Chorley’s Farmhouse, Somerset

Chorley’s farmhouse had recently been purchased and the new owners required the gardens to be cleared and terracing to be built at the back of the property allowing more light to reach the kitchen and utility area.

A slate terraced garden was decided upon in keeping with the style of the house and outbuildings that were all built of local slate.

We were fortunate enough to be able to source the slate from a local farmer. An old barn had become derelict on his land and we reclaimed over 15 Tonnes of slate – transporting it with the help of a neighbour and his tractor. Due to the limited acccess to the back garden we had to remove over fifteen Tonnes of stone, shingle and soil by hand using pick axes, buckets and wheelbarrows.

The terracing was built using the local red sand and a cement mortar and covered 3 tiers to a length of approx 15 metres per tier. Steps were added at either end for ease of access and a retaining wall was built on the lower level out of local stone.